Established in 1968, the Planetarium is a public property owned by the city community. It is the center for the popularization of space education among children and youth in Dnipro and the region. However, before the major renovation, the building and equipment of the institution were in an unsatisfactory condition.
The support from the NGO Aerospace Museum Center of Youth Culture and Education and Association Noosphere in 2018 enabled us to make a new history of the favorite place for Dnipro residents. Planetarium Noosphere became a part of the passionate involvement of the project partners that was aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of the generation of a new era. The purpose of the overhaul is to make the Planetarium accessible to all, as the potential audience of the institution is almost 6 million visitors not only from Dnipropetrovsk region, but also from the neighboring ones, among which children and youth make more than a million.
The support from the NGO Aerospace Museum Center of Youth Culture and Education and Association Noosphere in 2018 enabled us to make a new history of the favorite place for Dnipro residents. Planetarium Noosphere became a part of the passionate involvement of the project partners that was aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of the generation of a new era. The purpose of the overhaul is to make the Planetarium accessible to all, as the potential audience of the institution is almost 6 million visitors not only from Dnipropetrovsk region, but also from the neighboring ones, among which children and youth make more than a million.
Renovation of the Dnipro Planetarium in figures and facts:
- The total area of the renovated building is 531 sq.m, including 54 sq.m of basement premises
- A new load-bearing wall with an area of 85 sq.m is built;
- 251 sq.m of roofing is reinforced and renovated after it has fallen into disrepair, using more than 13 tons of metal structures;
- 376 sq.m of supporting reinforced concrete structures are restored to prevent the landslides on the area where which the Planetarium building is located;
- 320 sq. m of paving slabs and 900 sq. m of asphalt are laid on the territory

- Three reinforced concrete ramps more than 10 m long, a separate bathroom and a space in the Star Hall for a comfortable stay of low mobility groups are provided
- A modern fire protection system is installed, which includes automatic fire alarms, automatic fire extinguishing devices, lightning protection and fire warning equipment.
- As a result of re-planning and changing the purpose of the majority of the premises in the building, the exposition area of the Planetarium is increased by 30% - from 200 to 300 sq.m and a space for master classes is created.

Engineering systems:
- 100 m of electric cable is laid and the power of the grid was increased five times: from 26 kW to 140 kW;
- A new water supply and sewage system is laid, which provides 2.5 cubic meters of water to the building per day and ensures its drainage;
- 54 sq m of energy-saving windows are installed and 250 sq m of facade are insulated using 13 tons of environmentally friendly materials;
- heating system is installed. It is operated using automatically controlled heat pump and electric boilers, which ensure the heating of 223 sq.m of floor;
- 670 m of air ducts are laid for the ventilation and air conditioning system, which completely refreshes all the air in the premises of the Planetarium seven times an hour and provides a temperature of not more than 28 degrees and a humidity of not more than 65% in the warm season;
- All power supply equipment of the Planetarium is waste-free and doesn’t produce any environmentally harmful emissions.
Star Theater renovation:
- The inner metal frame of the screen and the current dome plaster-fabric screen surface is replaced with a plasterboard dome with an inclination angle of 10 degrees;
- The walls are finished with plasterboard acoustic panels, and the floor was carpeted;
- 6 LED projection system made by Norxe is Installed, which enables to show video in 4K format and has a guarantee period of 100 thousand hours of operation without replacing internal components;

Star Theater renovation:
- Digital astrosimulator 2D RSA SkyExplorer 6Channels - a unique interactive complex with the ability to create content;
- Systems are controlled using a standard tablet;
- Ambiligth lighting system and 7.1 ambient sound system based on German equipment Nova are installed;
- Specialized chairs for planetariums with the option of back tilting are installed.

Scientific exhibition area:
- Interactive exhibits to learn astronomical concepts in a game format are displayed: a projection sandbox with kinetic sand on which the images of space objects are adapted to a surface relief; astronaut's backpacks which explain the mechanism of gravity; A lunar globe created from real maps of the lunar surface;
- An infographic of the history of astronomy and space exploration is made;
- An installation of space artifacts from the private collection of Max Polyakov is created;

Scientific exhibition area:
- Tellurium (developed by Noosphere Engineering School students) is presented, which demonstrates the location and motion of the Sun, Earth and Moon in space;
- Tables with interactive panels are installed.

Historical exhibition area:
- Planetarium Starry Sky Projector made by Zeiss Jena, which has been in operation at the Planetarium since 1968, is placed there;
- Stained glass windows with interior light that have been installed in the Planetarium since 1989 are renovated and reinstalled;
- Artifacts from the Planetarium collection are presented: slide projector, film camera, video camera and others.
- An interactive whiteboard was installed;
- 12 desks have been installed for astronomy classes, master classes, etc.
Planetarium Noosphere renovation
In 2022, Planetarium Noosphere underwent a significant modernization: the exposition area was repaired and updated.
Scientific exhibition area:
- Information structures have been placed;
- Panels with interactive tablets have been installed;
- The interactive game "Moon" was created;
- The exhibit "Exercycle "Space Mechanics" was placed;
- A model of the μDragonfly satellite was installed;
- Directional sound speakers were installed.
Historical exhibition area:
- An exhibition showcase with artifacts from the Planetarium's collection was installed: a slide projector, a movie camera, a video camera, and others;
- An exhibition case with aviation protective suits and a lightweight space suit was installed;
- An exhibition showcase dedicated to the history of rocketry with handmade rocket models was created.

Ukraine in Space zone:
- Information structures dedicated to Ukrainian astronauts, aircraft and rocket builders, asteroids named after Ukrainian cities, and significant space events in which Ukraine participated;
- Panels with interactive tablets were installed;
- An interactive game "Ukraine in Space" was created.
Virtual reality zone:
- 4 units of virtual reality glasses have been placed;
- A collection of 360° space-themed videos in 2K format was created.

Mars zone:
- Visualization of the Mars surface is presented
- A scientific exposition covering the topics of terrain, suitability for colonization, satellites and the presence of water on Mars is posted
On December 1, 2023, the Planetarium Noosphere opened the updated winter program "Colonization and Space Ecology". It includes an updated scientific exposition, an expanded Mars zone, new games on interactive tablets, the premiere of three new thematic programs and the premiere of two full-dome cartoons produced by Planetarium Noosphere.
The scientific exhibition area has been updated:
- A scientific exposition on "Colonization and Space Ecology" was placed;
- Interactive games "StarTrack" and "Planet Earth" were created;
- A lunar rover was installed;
- An interactive movement game "KiDesk" was installed.

Ukraine in Space zone:
- A scientific exposition on "Colonization and Space Ecology" was installed;
- An interactive panel was installed;
- Interactive games "Space Debris", "Collect Constellations" and "Sorting Garbage" were created.
The Mars zone has been updated:
- An installation has been installed that allows you to "try on" the equipment of the astronaut who will be the first to fulfill the most ambitious aspiration of humanity - to set foot on the surface of Mars;
- A model of a Mars rover was placed;
- An interactive project of a future settlement on Mars was installed.

On September 1, 2024, Planetarium Noosphere opened an updated program “To the Moon and Back”. It includes the opening of the first Lunar Zone in Ukraine, updated games on interactive tablets, the premiere of three full-dome films and ten thematic programs.

The only Moon Zone in Ukraine
Take you to the space in the middle of the cratered lunar plains. Here you can explore the relief of the Earth's only natural satellite and look into its interior with the help of the largest interactive lunar globe in Ukraine! You will find out what different lunar rovers are looking for on the Moon and how our satellite can be useful for preparing future manned trips to other planets, as well as complete a quest on selenography (lunar geography) during an interactive game. You will also get to know the main stages of exploration and conquest of the Moon!