Celestial Atlas

Long before the appearance of accurate maps of the continents and oceans on Earth, mariners who set sail in search of terra incognita – unknown lands – and new sea routes followed the stars. Like a celestial compass, the stars showed them the right way through the waves of stormy oceans and helped to draw maps of our planet.

It’s time to revive the skills of finding bright navigational stars that we can see in the sky at different seasons. Let’s learn to use the atlas of the starry sky, as our ancestors did.

The 90-minute program of Planetarium visit includes:
- a guided tour around the exhibition hall
- a live lecture - journey through the starry sky in the Star Theater
- a fulldome film in the Star Theater

Children aged between 4 and 12 must be accompanied by an adult to visit the Planetarium. An individual ticket is required for each person.
Children under 4 will not be admitted to the Star Theater.

Scheduled shows are in Ukrainian. If you want to watch a show in English – please, let us know.
+38 050 701 88 82 or info@planetarium.com.ua