Volcanoes in space

Volcanic eruptions on Earth have played a leading role in the formation of land and the emergence of life in the deep ocean. They allow us to learn more about Earth’s interior and understand how continental plates move.
Can volcanoes erupt something other than hot lava? Are there volcanoes on other planets and moons? Where are the most active volcanoes, and where is the highest volcano in the Solar System situated? How did the "seas" of solidified lava appear on the Moon form, and when was the last time volcanoes erupted there? How far can water erupted by geysers on Enceladus travel in space, and what do they have in common with the rings of Saturn?
The 100-minute program of Planetarium visit includes:
- a tour around the expo zone
- watching a movie in the Star Theater
- a live lecture - journey through the starry sky
Children aged between 4 and 12 must be accompanied by an adult to visit the Planetarium. An individual ticket is required for each person.
Children under 4 will not be admitted to the Star Theater.
Scheduled shows are in Ukrainian. If you want to watch a show in English – please, let us know.
+38 050 701 88 82 or planetarium@noosphere.com