Water in Space

Liquid water is the most important precondition for the existence of life. Why Earth is the only planet in the Solar System where water remains on the surface in a liquid state? Is there water in space? What happened to the liquid water that was filling former riverbeds on Mars? What can be hidden in the subsurface ocean under the icy crust of Jupiter’s moon Europa? Where does ice in Saturn’s rings come from? Does the frozen water on comets taste like on Earth? And finally, what do precipitations look like on Venus, on Saturn’s moon Titan, and on ice giants Uranus and Neptune?
Let’s find out the answers to these questions during the new thematic program “Water in Space”.

The 100-minute program of Planetarium visit includes:
- a tour around the expo zone
- watching a movie in the Star Theater
- a live lecture - journey through the starry sky

Children aged between 4 and 12 must be accompanied by an adult to visit the Planetarium. An individual ticket is required for each person.
Children under 4 will not be admitted to the Star Theater.

​​​​​​​Scheduled shows are in Ukrainian. If you want to watch a show in English – please, let us know.
+38 050 701 88 82 or planetarium@noosphere.com